A grade ladder can contain both the grades without steps and grades with steps?

One of the common questions that people have about grade ladders is whether they can include both grades without steps and grades with steps. The answer is no. A grade ladder is a type of pay structure that assigns employees to a specific grade based on their qualifications, skills, and performance. Each grade has a minimum and a maximum pay range, and some grades may have steps within them that indicate the progression of pay within the grade.

However, a grade ladder cannot mix the grades without steps and grades with steps, because that would create inconsistency and confusion in the pay system. For example, if a grade ladder had both grade A without steps and grade B with steps, how would an employee know which grade they belong to? How would they know how much they can earn and how they can advance? How would the employer ensure fairness and transparency in the pay decisions? Therefore, a grade ladder should either have all the grades without steps or all the grades with steps, depending on the needs and goals of the organization.

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Global Human Resource
Posted by : Mohammad