- What types of absences/leaves are used?
- How many Leave types are there? Which?
- Which absence types affect employee payment?
- Which are Accrual Type Leaves?
- Which are the Qualification type Leaves?
- Which are Unpaid Type Leave?
- Which are Non Payroll Impacting (Paid) Leave?
- Please confirm if the organization uses absence reasons.
- If the answer to the above question is yes, please mention the Absence Reasons (Please add rows based on Reasons Count).
- Are there Eligibilities for Different Leaves?
- If the answer to the above question is yes, please provide details.
- Are there Carry Forward rules for any Leave?
- Are there Negative balance rules for any Leave?
- What is the minimum and maximum balance allowed for Leaves?
- Are there any Waiting Periods for Leave eligibility?
- Are there any Tenure-based rules for Leave eligibility?
- Is Leave approval required for all leave types?
- If the answer to the above question is no, then which leaves do not require approval?
- What is the Approval Hierarchy for leave approvals?
- Are there any Self-Service rules for requesting leave?
- What is the process for leave cancellation?
- Is there a provision for leave encashment?
- Are there any special conditions for leave encashment?
- How is leave accrual calculated?
- Are there any different leave policies for different employee categories?
- Are public holidays included in Leave Calculation?
- What happens when a leave request overlaps with a public holiday?
- Is there a Half-Day leave provision?
- Are there any specific rules for Half-Day leaves?
- Are employees allowed to take Unpaid Leave?
- If yes, how is unpaid leave handled in payroll?
- Is there an automatic deduction for unpaid leave on the payroll?
- Can employees view their leave balance in self-service?
- Can employees apply for leave in the past?
- Can employees apply for leave in the future?
- Are managers allowed to apply leave on behalf of employees?
- What reports are required for leave management?
- Is integration with payroll required for leave management?
- Is integration with an external time management system required?
I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.