An issue with waived prerequisites not clearing the offering prerequisites

Problem Summary
We have created a course, and there is an offering. When we waived the prerequisite on the course level, then still we are getting the prerequisite on the offering. That we don't want.
Once we waived the prerequisite on the course level then it should not come on the offering level.
Solution or Workaround
Option - 1
If a course has only one offering then we need to assign the offering, at the time of offering assign waive the prerequisite then the system will automatically assign the course to the learner without asking for any prerequisite on the course level.
Option - 2
If a course has multiple offerings then we need to assign the course and then the required offering, here we need to waive the prerequisite on the course level and assign the course, and in the same way we need to assign the required offering then the system will not give any prerequisite on the offering level.

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