In this blog post, we will understand how courses move from completed to not started.
1. For learners whose previous assignment status was "Not Started" and the current status is also "Not Started," it indicates that they have never completed the course activity. Consequently, there are no active attempts recorded in the database for these learners. Therefore, for such learners, the current assignment status remains "Not Started."
- For example, consider John (001). He has never completed the course activity and, as a result, has no active attempts recorded in the database. Therefore, his new assignment status will always be "Not Started," regardless of the "Force Retake" option.
2. In the case of assignments where the previous status was "Not Started" and the current status is "In Progress," it signifies that these learners had previously completed the course activity, leading to active attempts being recorded in the database.
- For instance, let's take Joseph (002) as an example. He completed the activity on July 29, 2023, and active attempts were recorded for this activity in the database. However, on August 1st, a new assignment was created for him with the "Force Retake" option, resulting in the new assignment status being "Not Started."
- However, on September 11, 2023, the assignment created on August 1st was withdrawn, and a new assignment was generated without the "Force Retake" option. As the old active attempts still exist in the database, the new assignment's status remains "In Progress" for him.
In summary, if a learner had previously completed the activity and a new assignment is not created with the "Force Retake" option, their assignment status will be "In Progress."
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I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.