1.SERIAL: This is the default option. If this case, the approval is routed in a serial mode (firstly is routed to one representative, once he approves, it is routed to the next representative and so on but it will not send any claim button option to the notification.
2.SINGLE: This option is supporting CLAIM functionality. The transaction is routed at the same time to all representatives and along with all the approver if its added. Each of them has the option to CLAIM. The first representative or the first approver who CLAIMS the transaction, can approve/reject it and the transaction will be finished.
3.PARALLEL: In this case, the transaction is routed to all representatives at the same time. All of them have the possibility to approve/reject the transaction WITHOUT CLAIMING first.
Claim button is enabled only for SINGLE type. But whoever claims first, can approve/reject it and the transaction will be finished/completed. This is the product behaviour and changing this has been identified as Enhancement request.
I also found the below idea submitted in customer connect
Oracle Document Id
Oracle Fusion Recruiting Cloud: Offer Approval Using AOR Was Not Assigned To All Representatives (Doc ID 2820108.1)
Fusion Global HR: How To Enable "Claim" Button When Using Notify All in "Representative" Node? (Doc ID 2774595.1)
I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.