Difference between Community and Specialization in learning cloud

Communities and Specializations are two very different things even if you can group Courses in both.
Specializations allow admins to design learning plans or learning paths so learners can achieve a larger learner objective. Use Specializations to define the Courses that Learners must complete to achieve the objectives of a Specialization. To complete the Specialization, learners must complete the Course requirements in all Sections of a Specialization.
A learning Community is a place where learning can be grouped around a particular topic or area of interest and shared with a distinct set of people known as community members. The purpose of a community can range from collaborative Communities created by employees or managers to a more formal learning Community.
So, use Specializations if you want people to complete a group of Courses as a one-time event, and once they have completed all the Courses, they don't need to return to the Specialization again. The Admin can easily report if Learners have completed a Specialization
Use Communities if you want Learners to collaborate around a topic, and add Courses, Videos, Tutorials, etc. into the Community as needed.

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Oracle Learning Cloud
Posted by : Mohammad