How to Enable Import option for Checklist Template

Step 1 – Go to Setup and Maintenance

Step 2 – Click on Tasks and then Click on Search
Step 3 –Search Manage Profile Options Task and then Click
Step 4 - Click on plus icon 
Step 4 – Fill the below exact same details on fields
Profile Display Name = Import Checklist
Application = Applications Common Components
Module = Core Setup
Module Key = CmfCoreSetup (you will find under search page)
Start Date = 01 – 01 – 1951
Click on Save and Close
Step 6 – Search Created Profile Option by Profile option code or Name then click on Search
Step 7 – Created Profile option will be appeared on the search result. 
Click on Profile Option and Select Profile Levels
Step 8 – Select check box of ENABLED and UPDATEABLE at SITE Level
Step 9 – Save and Close
Step 10 – Go to the Search area and Search Manage Administrator Profile Values task.
Click on task


Step 11 – Search Created Profile Option by Profile option code or Name then click on Search
Step 12 – Enable the profile value click on Plus add site and then Y profile value and then click on save and close


Step 13 – Go to the Manage Checklist Template task and see


I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Global Human Resource
Posted by : Mohammad