1. Firstly, we need to run the below query to get the assigned security profile to the data roles.
2. Secondly, we need to create the OTBI report to get the users who have been assigned the data roles.
SELECT r_code.*,"Role Code" || ' - '||"Role Name"|| ' - '||"Job Role Name" || ' - '||"Organization Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Position Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Country Security Profile"|| ' - '||"LDG Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Person Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Public Person Security Profile"||' - '||"Document Type Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Payroll Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Payroll Flow Security Profile"||' - '|| "Person Security Profile" Concat_Val_Validation
from (
SELECT gen.data_role_name "Role Code"
WHERE code = gen.data_role_name
and rownum = 1
) "Role Name"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Person Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_person_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PERSON'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.person_security_profile_id(+)
) "Person Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Public Person Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_person_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PUBLIC_PERSON'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.person_security_profile_id(+)
) "Public Person Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Organization Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_org_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'ORGANIZATION'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.org_security_profile_id(+)
) "Organization Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Position Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_position_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'POSITION'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.position_security_profile_id(+)
) "Position Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Country Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_country_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'COUNTRY'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.country_security_profile_id(+)
) "Country Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing LDG Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_ldg_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'LDG'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.ldg_security_profile_id(+)
) "LDG Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Payroll Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.pay_pay_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PAYROLL'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.pay_security_profile_id(+)
) "Payroll Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Payroll Flow Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.pay_flw_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'FLOWPATTERN'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.flw_security_profile_id(+)
) "Payroll Flow Security Profile"
SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Doc Type Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
,fusion.per_doc_type_security_profiles sec
WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'DOR'
AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.doc_type_security_profile_id(+)
) "Document Type Security Profile"
,(SELECT role_name
FROM per_roles_dn_tl job_role
WHERE gen.base_role_id= job_role.role_id
and job_role.language = 'US') "Job Role Name"
FROM fusion.per_generated_data_roles gen
WHERE gen.data_role_name IN (
WHERE 1 = 1
OR 'All' IN (:ROLE_NAME_PARAM || 'All')
) r_code
I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.