Instance Qualifiers are nothing but a group of codes that we used to uniquely identify different occurrences of the same profile item maybe a competency, maybe a performance rating, because in talent management the competencies, the ratings, will be used by different people on different occasions, it's not that only rating will from the performance document rating become from compensation module, the rating can come from the talent review meeting, and worker can rate themself, manager rate the workers, and there is also a system of reviewers so that we can ask some others people other than the workers and managers to give the ratings to the workers in the performance management document when we are doing performance appraisal so throughout the talent management we see a lot of profile items will come from the different area by different people, so if you want to identify uniquely who has given this rating and were from this rating has come we use the Instance Qualifier.
The Instance Qualifier will give us when you see a piece of specific information wherefrom it has come from and who has made that.
In the performance we have a system of performance appraisal 360 degree, 360 degree means its fully transparent where not only the worker and the manager give the rating we can invite some people suppose you have subordinate who has worked for 10 months under different manager and recently he has been transfer to you, now you the manager, now you may not be knowing about the worker because last 10 months he was another manager so that manager only knows him very well, recently he has came under you and you don’t know anything about him so how you are going to rate him so what you can do is you can invite the other managers who was his ex-boss you invite that person and ask him to give his opinion so he will be able to give a rating to your worker and that rating as a manager present manager you can see that, same way you can invite some of the colleague, friends, of that worker what they think they write to that person, so we take review from different people and finally the current manager will give the final rating of course that rating will be final but at least you have opinion collection from different people that is what we called it as 360 degree appraisal, so worker will rate them self, worker’s peer or worker’s other manager every body will be able to view the document and the their rating so the Instance Qualifier will identify uniquely who has give that rating, and from where it has come from.
Instance Qualifier Sets Details: - We have instance qualifier sets that are already delivered we don’t need to do anything just while creating in the performance document we have to give them.
EVAL_TYPE: - These are used with competencies content type and identity the role of the person who rated a particular competency for a worker. So, when we create the performance document we have to use this evaluation type in the instance qualifier sets so that it identifies the role of the person whether the person is a worker or a manager of the reviewer etc.
POTENTIAL: - These are used with the Career Potential content type and identify whether the rating was updated in the talent review meeting or on the worker’s profile, so generally the potential of a worker is directly rated by the manager on the worker’s profile itself we don’t rate on the performance appraisal, so a manager will go to the worker’s profile and they will say whether this person is having high potential, low potential, medium potential, what is the risk of loss, what is the impact of losing all these things will directly be rated by the manager on the worker’s profile so that we you use a talent review meeting the workers will be placed in the proper box chart.
PERFORMANCE_RATING: - These are used with the performance rating content type and identify whether the rating is coming from the compensation module or performance module, or it was directly given on the profile of the worker, or it is coming from the talent review meeting.
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