Key Questions for Effective Goal and Talent Management

Goals Management

  1. Please describe your current process for goal management.

  2. What are your pain points with goals management today?

  3. How do you differentiate performance vs. development goals in your current process?

  4. What are your goal cycle dates?

  5. What population should be eligible for the Goal Plan?

  6. Do you require approvals for goals created, canceled, or deleted by employees?

  7. Should goals be weighted? If so, what is the total weight limit?

  8. Would you like to use Organization goals?

  9. Who should create Organization goals?

  10. Would you like to use the Goal Library?

  11. What criteria do you use to measure goals? Would you like to enable the Measurements section of a goal?

  12. Do you want to enable Tasks on the Goal Page?

  13. Do you want to enable Target Outcomes on the Goal page?

Performance Review Process

  1. What is the Annual Review Process Flow?

  2. What does the Employee evaluate themselves on?

  3. What sections make up the Manager Appraisal?

  4. What is your rating model?

  5. How many different appraisal forms do you have? (Annual, Mid-Year, 360, New Hire, Employees, Manager, Executive, etc.)

  6. Please describe your current Performance Improvement process.

  7. Do you currently use job/position profiles?

  8. Do you currently use employee talent profiles? If so, what do you track?

  9. Do employees enter their licenses and certifications, and do you require an approval?

  10. What key reporting requirements do you have?

  11. Would you like Employees to update their Talent Profile via Employee Self-Service (ESS)?

  12. Does your organization currently use competencies, licenses, certifications, and degrees?

  13. Are Talent Profiles also maintained for contingent workers?

  14. Are you interested in importing profile data from LinkedIn?

  15. Do you plan to use the language content section?

  16. Do you have any plans to use the Oracle-delivered talent notifications?

Goal and Talent Management

  1. Who can assign goals to Workers? (Manager or HR Specialist or Both)

  2. Can employees move, extend, share, align, or copy goals?

  3. Will you have any plans to use Oracle-delivered notifications?

  4. Do you want completed goals to be editable? (Always Open, Never, Reopen)

  5. Are you using succession management?

  6. How do competencies get populated on the Performance document?

  7. Who should be able to view Anytime Feedback?

  8. Would you like to use the Feedback Request feature? If so, do you have a questionnaire that you would like to use?

  9. Would you like Anytime Feedback and Feedback Requests included in the Annual Performance Review?

  10. What sections should be included in the Check-In Template?

  11. What population should be eligible for the Check-In?

  12. Would you like Check-Ins to be included in the Annual Performance Review?

  13. What tasks should be included in the performance process flow?

  14. Should the employee acknowledge the document once it has been shared by the line manager?

  15. Should the employee acknowledge the review meeting after the meeting confirms that the meeting was held?

  16. Would your organization use participant feedback as part of the annual performance review process? Would the Matrix Manager feature be used?

  17. Would your organization need an approval workflow for the Performance process? If yes, who is the approver?

  18. Do you have plans to use the talent review meeting?

  19. Would you like to enable succession plans and talent pools to be associated with the meetings created from the template?

Additional Considerations

  1. Do you have plans to flag critical roles (not people)?

  2. How are disciplinary actions currently managed? (Verbal, written, final)

  3. What other talent management features would you like to explore?

  4. Would you like to track employee career progression?

  5. How do you ensure fairness in goal-setting and evaluations?

  6. Are there specific regulatory compliance requirements that impact talent management?

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.