List of Actions in HCM Experience Design Studio

Add a Non Worker
Add Assignments
Add Contingent Worker
Add Pending Worker
Additional Assignment Info
Additional Person Info
Administer Compensation
Application Extra Info
Before You Enroll
Benefits Service Centre
Calculation Cards
Cancel Work Relationship
Career Development Home Page
Career Development Role Details
Career Overview
Change Assignment
Change Location
Change Manager
Change Salary
Change Working Hours
Check-In Document
Compensation Info
Contact Info
Create Job
Create Location
Create Work Relationship
Define Application Flow Required Fields
Define Job Requisition Details for External Apply Flow
Development Goal Details-Drill Down
Development Goal Library
Direct Reports
Directory Advanced Search
Edit Pending Worker
Eligible Jobs
Employee Summary
Employment Contracts
Employment Details
Employment Info
Employment Start Date
Family And Emergency Contracts
Goal And Performance Overview
Hire An Employee
Identification Info
Job Details
Job Search
Learner Action Common Components
Learning Manager Components
Learning Select Offering Standalone
Learning Self Service Activity Details
Learning Self Service Completion Details
Learning Self Service Manage Learning Community Definition
Learning Self Service Manage Learning Journey
Learning Self Service Manage Video
Learning Self Service View Enrollment Details
Learning Self Service View Enrollment Summary
Learning Self Service View Learning Catalog Item Summary
Learning Self Service View Offering Details
Learning View Learning Item Details
Local And Global Transfer
Location Details 
Location Search
Manage Compensation
Manage Personal Contributions
Manager Team Schedule
Mass legal Employer Change
Mass Team Schedule
My Compensation
My Team Overview
My Team Talent
Payment Methods
Payroll Checklist
Payroll Relationships
Pending Worker
Performance Document
Performance Goal Details
Performance Goal Library
Performance Management
Person Identifier for External Application
Personal Brand
Personal Details
Personal Payment Methods
Position Details
Position Search
Prepare Review Content
Profile Talent Ratings
Public Info
Recruiting  Define Job requisition Details For External Career Sites
Recruiting  Define Job requisition Details For Internal Career Sites
Recruiting Apply To Internal Jobs
Recruiting Candidate application diversity and disability
Recruiting Candidate extra info
Recruiting Create and edit job offer
Recruiting Create interview schedule
Recruiting Create job requisition
Recruiting Define career Site search Filters
Recruiting Define Job requisition Details For agencies
Recruiting Refer a Candidate
Recruiting Refer An Employee
Recruiting Referred Candidates By Agency
Recruiting Submit Candidates By Agency
Recruiting View And Edit Job Requisition
Recruiting View And Manage Job Offer
Recruiting View Job Offer In Job Application
Recruiting Candidate Application Additional Info
Request A New Position
Request a Position Change
Resign From Employment
Reverse Employment Termination
Reverse Termination
Run result
Salary History
Seniority Dates
Share Data Acess
Share Personal Info
Skills And Qualifications
Submit A Flow
Succession Plans
Talent Pools
Talent Review Notes
Terminate Employment
Time And Labor Manager Team Schedule
Time Cards
View Flows
Volunteering Profile
Volunteering Project
Volunteering Settings
Withdraw Employment Resignation
Withdraw Resignation
Work Relationship
Worker Team Schedule

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Common for all modules
Posted by : Mohammad