List of learning questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

  • How are your Admin Team responsibilities designed?
  • Please Explain the Process of Content Upload followed in the organization.
  • Who uploads the content to the Organisation?
  • What type of content is used for online course creation?
  • Do you follow the Online Learning?
  • Do you follow the Classroom Learning (ILT)?
  • Explain the detailed flow of the employee enrollment for Online Training.
  • Explain the detailed flow of the employee enrollment for Classroom Training.
  • Explain the detailed flow of the Employee enrollment for classroom Training from external vendors/Training.
  • Please Explain the withdrawal process.
  • If Yes please provide the list of classrooms with all details.
  • Do you maintain the Learning Outcome against the course? If Yes please mention the list.
  • Will you be maintaining a Rating for the Learning Outcomes?
  • Is the Learning Rating Scale (Rating Model) is same as the performance Rating Model?
  • Can employees also upload the Videos? If yes please provide process flow details.
  • Can the Employee also author the Tutorial and share?
  • Will you be using the Communities Feature as part of social and collaborative learning?
  • Can employees create the Community?
  • Can the Administrator create the community?
  • Do you maintain the specific Learning Paths?
  • How is your Learning Path Process arranged?
  • Please provide the details with Training Courses that need to be covered for specific learning Paths, along with eligibility for View by an employee.
  • Provide the Rating Model / Rating Scale for the same.
  • Do you have section-wise questions for feedback? If yes explain with an example. And Provide the details.
    Provide the list of alerts and Notifications required.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.