Can employees have multiple jobs concurrently, with multiple terms like pay, contract, etc.?
Describe your organizational structure. Do you have an organizational hierarchy?
Do you allow contractors to access the system?
Do you currently attach any documents at the Employee Level? (DL#, VISA, Passport, Citizenship)
Do you have a dedicated HR helpdesk to answer basic employee HR questions? What individuals require read-only access to HR data (by job, etc.)?
Do you have automatic grade progression?
Do you have unions or bargaining units? Please provide a list of each with your responses and the agreements.
Do you track Seniority Dates in your current system?
Do you use any workflow/approvals associated with these online transactions for managers?
Do you use grades/grade rates? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How is data secured currently? What limitations are in place for access to data?
How is HR data currently maintained, and who maintains it?
How many companies do you currently have/use? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How many countries are you currently in? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How many departments do you have? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How many Divisions/Business Units do you have? Please provide a list and/or your organization chart.
How many Jobs/Positions do you currently have? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How many Legal Entities do you currently have? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
How many locations do you have? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
List items that are current pain points, and you want to address them in this implementation. Please provide a list of each with your responses.
Here is a list of items that work well in the current system. Please provide a list of each with your responses.
Please provide a list of Change Reasons? (Transfer, promotion, etc.)
Please provide a list of HR Action Reasons. (Transfer, promotion, etc)
Please provide a list of Termination Reasons? (Voluntary, better offer, etc.)
Please provide any documentation with your answers (Org Chart, Chart of Accounts, etc.)
What actions do you allow contractors to transact on their behalf? Example: Change own address, etc.
What actions do you allow employees to transact on their behalf? For example, change your address, enroll in benefits, etc.
What employee/person types do you currently have? (Employee, non-worker, contingent, retiree, etc.)
What integrations, vendors, downstream systems require information to be fed from Core HR?
What is the address format you are currently using for employees' addresses?
What is your current Offboarding process?
What is your current onboarding process?
What is your total employee headcount?
What key reporting requirements do you have for Core HR data? Please provide each list with your responses and a copy of the reports.
What processes need to have an approval routing? Please provide a list of each with your responses.
What transactions do you currently allow managers to perform?
What type of HR data do you currently track? (License, certification, education, etc.) Please provide a list with your responses.
What/how much historical data do you intend to maintain going forward?
I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.