Oracle Recruiting Cloud Terminologies and Definition

Job Requisitions
- The purpose of a Job Requisition is to provide a clear and comprehensive description of the vacant position to attract suitable candidates and ensure that all relevant parties are aligned on the job's essential criteria.


Job Application Questionnaire
- Typically contains questions specific to a job that candidates answer when they apply for the job.


Interview Feedback Questionnaire
- When recruiters and hiring managers conduct candidate interviews, they often use interview feedback templates to collect feedback on each candidate's performance and qualifications.


Job Application Flow 
- The candidate's application process is a crucial step in the recruitment and hiring process, where applicants provide essential information about themselves, their qualifications, and their experiences. This information is collected through the job application flow, which is a series of pages or one-page section that candidates must complete to apply for a job position for an organization.


Candidate Selection Process
- The candidate selection process is a structured framework that organizations use to identify, assess, and ultimately choose the most suitable candidates for a job position. It is a systematic approach to managing the recruitment and hiring process, ensuring that it is fair, consistent, and aligned with the company's needs and values. The selection process typically involves several stages, each aimed at evaluating candidates' qualifications, skills, experience, and cultural fit.


Job Requisition Template
- A job requisition template is a pre-designed form that serves as a starting point for creating new job requisitions within an organization. The template is designed to streamline the process of requesting a new position to be filled by default values in various fields, which helps ensure consistency, accuracy, and efficiency in the requisition creation process.


- Campaigns in the context of recruitment refer to strategic marketing efforts aimed at promoting specific job requisitions and encouraging candidates to apply or refer others to apply for a specific job. These campaigns are part of the larger talent acquisition strategy of an organization and are designed to attract top talent, increase the candidate pool, and enhance the employer brand.


- In the context of recruitment, prospects are individuals who have been referred for a job requisition or added to a job requisition but have not yet completed their job application. These individuals are potential candidates who have shown initial interest in a job opportunity but have not taken the final step of formally applying for the position.


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Oracle Recruiting Cloud
Posted by : Mohammad