OTBI report is not pulling a specific field value using document record (DOR) subject area

We have checked and found that the user has created more than 20 dors and there is a common field in all the 20 dors that is the date of joining. So when we are running the report then the report is not giving any data and the column is coming as blank. Then we have identified the below workaround.
We have checked there are around 20 DORs available in the system, and for all the DOR there is a common DFF available that is called "Date of joining" that stores the value in the same table and same column that's why the system is not able to pull the data from the date of joining field.
So here we need to create the DFF with some unique name for all the 20 DORs so that it will store the value in the same table with different columns and like that we will be able to pull the data into the report. 
After creating the DFF for all the 20 DORs, now it's time to move the data from one dff to another dff.

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Posted by : Mohammad