Severity Details for Oracle SR (Service Request)

The severity level of a service request submitted must be based on the following severity definitions:
Severity 1
Your production use of the Oracle Cloud Services is stopped or so severely impacted that You cannot reasonably continue work. You experience a complete loss of service. The impacted operation is mission-critical to the business and the situation is an emergency. Example
-> Data corrupted
-> A critical documented function is not available
-> Service hangs indefinitely, causing unacceptable or indefinite delays for resources or response
-> Service crashes and crashes repeatedly after restart attempts
Severity 2
You experience a severe loss of service. Important features of the Oracle Cloud Services are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.
Severity 3
You experience a minor loss of service. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality.
Severity 4
You request information, enhancement, or documentation clarification regarding the Oracle Cloud Services, but there is no impact on the operation of such service. You experience no loss of service.

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Common for all modules
Posted by : Mohammad