The severity level of a service request submitted must be based on the following severity definitions:
Your production use of the Oracle Cloud Services is stopped or so severely impacted that You cannot reasonably continue work. You experience a complete loss of service. The impacted operation is mission-critical to the business and the situation is an emergency. Example
-> A critical documented function is not available
-> Service hangs indefinitely, causing unacceptable or indefinite delays for resources or response
-> Service crashes and crashes repeatedly after restart attempts
You experience a severe loss of service. Important features of the Oracle Cloud Services are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.
You experience a minor loss of service. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality.
You request information, enhancement, or documentation clarification regarding the Oracle Cloud Services, but there is no impact on the operation of such service. You experience no loss of service.
I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.