SQL Query to get all the security profiles based on roles

SELECT r_code.*,"Role Code" || ' - '||"Role Name"|| ' - '||"Job Role Name" || ' - '||"Organization Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Position Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Country Security Profile"|| ' - '||"LDG Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Person Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Public Person Security Profile"||' - '||"Document Type Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Payroll Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Payroll Flow Security Profile"||' - '|| "Person Security Profile" Concat_Val_Validation
from (
SELECT gen.data_role_name "Role Code"
                             SELECT ASE_ROLE_VL.ROLE_NAME
                             FROM FUSION.ASE_ROLE_VL ASE_ROLE_VL
                             WHERE code = gen.data_role_name
and rownum = 1
                             ) "Role Name"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Person Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_person_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PERSON'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.person_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Person Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Public Person Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_person_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PUBLIC_PERSON'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.person_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Public Person Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Organization Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_org_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'ORGANIZATION'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.org_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Organization Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Position Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_position_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'POSITION'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.position_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Position Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Country Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_country_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'COUNTRY'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.country_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Country Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing LDG Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_ldg_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'LDG'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.ldg_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "LDG Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Payroll Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.pay_pay_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'PAYROLL'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.pay_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Payroll Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Payroll Flow Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.pay_flw_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'FLOWPATTERN'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.flw_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Payroll Flow Security Profile"
                             SELECT NVL(sec.name, 'Missing Doc Type Security Profile: ' || TO_CHAR(security_profile_id))
                             FROM fusion.per_gen_data_role_profiles gdrp_per
                                           ,fusion.per_doc_type_security_profiles sec
                             WHERE gdrp_per.generated_data_role_id = gen.generated_data_role_id
                                           AND gdrp_per.hr_securing_object = 'DOR'
                                           AND gdrp_per.security_profile_id = sec.doc_type_security_profile_id(+)
                             ) "Document Type Security Profile"
              ,(SELECT role_name
                             FROM per_roles_dn_tl  job_role
                             WHERE gen.base_role_id= job_role.role_id
                             and   job_role.language = 'US') "Job Role Name"
FROM fusion.per_generated_data_roles gen
WHERE gen.data_role_name IN (
                             SELECT code
                             FROM FUSION.ASE_ROLE_VL ASE_ROLE_VL
                             WHERE 1 = 1
                                           AND (
                                                          ASE_ROLE_VL.ROLE_NAME IN (:ROLE_NAME_PARAM)
                                                          OR 'All' IN (:ROLE_NAME_PARAM || 'All')
) r_code

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.