Standard Recruiting Delivered Roles and there functions

Recruiting Administrator

  • Manage Recruiting Content Library
  • Manage Questionnaires and Templates
  • Maintain all other existing configurations



  • View and Initiate Job Requisition
  • Post Job Requisition
  • View Candidate Job Applications
  • Move Candidate Job Applications
  • Delete Candidate Job Applications
  • View Job Offer
  • Update Job Offer
  • Communicate Job Offer
  • Create Campaigns
  • Create Candidate Pools


Hiring Manager

  • View and Initiate Job Requisition
  • View Candidate Job Applications
  • Move Candidate Job Applications
  • View and Initiate Job Offer
  • Approve Job Offer



  • Search and apply for jobs
  • Participate in interview
  • Accept an Offer
  • Complete post-hire activities



  • Create campaigns,
  • Manage candidate communication
  • track progress


Recruiting Manager

  • Can perform all recruiting tasks
  • Inherits all capabilities of the Recruiter role
  • Has a few additional capabilities


Recruiting Agent

  • Has access to the agency portal
  • create candidate flows

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Oracle Recruiting Cloud
Posted by : Mohammad