Talent Management Configuration Checklist Tasks

Create Item catalog
Create a rating model.
Create Profile Types, for e.g. Person Profile, Job Profile
Secure access to content section in person profile
Manage Profile Option Values
Manage Goal Value Sets
Manage Goal Setting Lookups
Manage Goal Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Goal Management Notification Settings
Create a review period.
Create Performance Document Type
Add Goals to the Performance Goal Library
Create an eligibility profile.
Create a goal plan.
Schedule the assigned goal plan process
Goal Approvals
Manage Profile Option Values
Manage Performance Value Sets
Manage Performance Lookups
Manage Performance Descriptive Flexfields
Manage Performance Notification Settings
Create a rating model.
Create Performance Document Type
Create Questions
Create a questionnaire template.
Create Questionnaires
Create Performance Roles
Create Eligibility Profiles
Create Performance Template Sections
Create Performance Process Flow
Create Performance Template
Schedule Eligibility Batch Process
Create Check-In Templates
Manage Talent Notifications
Configure Talent Review Dashboard Options
Succession Management Lookups
Personalization on pages
HCM Design Studio
Move Reports

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Talent Management
Posted by : Mohammad