Talent Review Meeting Overview

📌 Talent Review Process & Key Concepts

🔹 What Are the Different Rating Models in a Talent Review Template?

Oracle HCM allows seven rating models to be associated with a Talent Review Template:
Impact of Loss
Overall Competencies Rating
Overall Goals Rating
Risk of Loss
Talent Score

🔹 Note:

  • A rating model can be reused multiple times in the same template.
  • Some rating models cannot be updated during the talent review meeting.

🔹 What Happens If Review Content Isn’t Prepared Before the Deadline?

  • If reviewers fail to prepare content, the latest worker ratings will be used.
  • If a worker has no prior ratings, they will appear in the Holding Area at the start of the meeting.
  • Workers in the Holding Area do not appear in the Box Chart Matrix, but can still be rated during the meeting.

🔹 Reviewer Access to Worker Data

  • Reviewers can only see workers they directly or indirectly manage.
  • During the meeting, all participants can see profile data for all workers being reviewed (if the dashboard is projected).

⚙️ Talent Review Configuration & Data Management

🔹 Significance of Data Validity Guidelines & Latest Data

  • Facilitators can set Data Validity Guidelines to ensure ratings are updated within a specified timeframe.
  • If ratings fall outside the guideline, a warning icon appears.
  • When reviewers change the rating, the warning disappears.

🔹 Reviewer vs. Participant Roles in a Talent Review Meeting

Role Responsibilities
Reviewer - Manages direct/indirect employees' ratings.
- Prepares review content before the meeting.
- Updates worker ratings.
Participant - Attends the meeting but doesn’t update ratings beforehand.
- Provides feedback and insights on employees during the meeting.

🔹 Key Stakeholders in a Talent Review Meeting

Different roles involved in the Talent Review Process:
HR Specialist – Manages review setup and facilitation.
Facilitator – Guides the meeting and discussion.
Business Leader – Provides strategic direction on workforce planning.
Reviewers – Assess employees before the meeting.
Participants – Provide feedback during the meeting.
Review Population – Employees being evaluated.

📊 Talent Review Meeting Functionalities

🔹 Adding Performance Goals During a Talent Review Meeting

  • If a Performance Goal is added via the Talent Review Dashboard, it will show the source as HR Specialist.

🔹 Role of a Business Leader in a Talent Review Meeting

  • Only one Business Leader can be assigned per meeting.
  • The Business Leader’s organization is auto-populated and cannot be changed.
  • Other managers can still be added as Participants or Reviewers.
  • The Business Leader is automatically added as a Participant and cannot be removed.

📅 Deadlines & Data Tracking

🔹 What is a Data Submission Deadline?

  • This is the final date for reviewers to submit ratings before the meeting.
  • Once the deadline is passed, reviewers cannot modify worker ratings.
  • If notifications are enabled, reviewers receive an alert when the deadline is reached.

🔹 Understanding Prior Ratings Start Date & End Date

  • Used to compare worker ratings from past Talent Review Meetings.
  • If multiple updates exist within the selected date range, only the latest rating is considered.
  • If no date range is provided, the most recent rating is displayed.

📌 Talent Review Meeting Workflow & Assessment

🔹 How Is a Worker’s Potential Rating Assessed?

  • A Potential Assessment Questionnaire is used to determine a worker’s potential rating.
  • Before the meeting, Reviewers complete the questionnaire for their direct reports.
  • The calculated potential rating is then linked to the Talent Review Template.

🔹 Submitting a Talent Review Meeting with Workers in the Holding Area

  • Yes, you can submit a Talent Review Meeting even if workers are in the Holding Area.
  • However, those workers will have blank ratings in the system.
  • This could be an Oracle application bug, so it’s recommended to verify before confirming.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.