Transferring Workers Overview

A transfer is the movement of a person within the same legal employer (e.g., a change of location from New Delhi to Noida).
A temporary assignment is a transfer for a limited term (e.g., a temporary assignment in another department).
To initiate any type of transfer for a person, select the Manage Employment task in the Person Management work area, select the Transfer action from the Actions list, then update the assignment.
How Transfers are Processed
When you transfer a person to the same legal employer, the work relationship remains unchanged. You make any necessary changes in the current assignment. If the worker being transferred has other active assignments in the current work relationship, they are terminated, and their status is changed to Inactive – Payroll Eligible by default. If you create new assignments, the assignments in the current work relationship are terminated and their status is set to Inactive – Payroll Eligible by default. You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you do not want to terminate; these assignments retain their original statuses and remain active even after the transfer. You can deselect all assignments except the primary assignment and the current assignment.
You can also reassign and add direct reports to a manager during the transfer process. You can reassign reports to the same manager or to different managers and add reports to line managers or dotted-line managers. The reports are reassigned or added when the transfer is approved.
You can deselect the direct reports that you want to continue reporting to the same manager.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

Global Human Resource
Posted by : Mohammad