What are the importance of Touchpoints and why should we use this in our day to day life?

To make employees happier at work, companies should give their managers tools to help them talk and connect better with their employees every day. Oracle Touchpoints is a tool that lets employees and managers talk regularly and take action to build trust, keep employees, and help them grow.

  1. Quick Pulse Surveys: These are short surveys that employees can take regularly, like every week or month, to share how they feel about their managers.

  2. My Touchpoints: It's like a personal hub for employees where they can see how their surveys have been going, check when they talked with their manager, and get suggestions on how to stay engaged at work, such as giving feedback or celebrating achievements.

  3. Team Touchpoints: This is a tool for managers to understand how their team is doing emotionally and how engaged they are at work.

  4. Team Pulse Trends: Managers can use this to see if their team's overall mood and engagement are getting better or worse over time, compared to the rest of the company.

  5. Individual Employee Insights: It helps managers look closely at how each team member is feeling and if they might be having problems or feeling less engaged.

  6. Check-Ins: Employees and managers can set up one-on-one meetings to give feedback and guidance. They can also add topics to discuss based on past talks, feedback, and work goals.

  7. Nudges: These are like gentle reminders for both managers and employees. They suggest things like scheduling overdue meetings, celebrating a colleague's work anniversary, or reviewing goals.

  8. Celebrations: This feature lets managers and employees recognize their colleagues for their hard work or special milestones, like anniversaries or achievements that made a positive impact on the business.

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Posted by : Mohammad