What is Personal Brand and why should we use this in our day to day life?

A personal brand is the unique picture you make for yourself that makes you stand out from other people in your company. Building your personal brand is an ongoing process in which you build and control your skill profile and social reputation in different professional and social networks. You can make and control your personal brand by going to Me > Personal Brand.

You want to show off skills that you are already good at or that you want to get better at. As you work to improve a skill, you set goals to see how far you've come. You can support other people's skills, choose to be a mentor for skills you're good at, or be a mentee for skills you want to improve. Your manager can also ask an expert to help you learn a certain skill. All of these things make you look better.

The way you interact, influence, and connect with others in your professional and social network determines your social reputation.

To Check your Social Reputation - Go to Me > Personal Brand > Social Reputation where you see your social reputation scores.

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Posted by : Mohammad