When you are not able to find your created position under employee assignment

When you are not able to find your created position under employee assignment then you need to check the employee business unit and the position business to which is you want to assign an employee it should be the same and another one is the effective date employee assignment effective date is always is greater than position created date.

Not able to edit competencies in Item Catalog

Add this privileges to the HR role: Workforce Profile Administration

Not getting submit button as a line manger

It could be 3 reasons The employee didn’t complete the self-evaluation Maybe it has a different evaluation manager Check this option in the process flow

Proficiency Rating Levels are not displayed in Performance Document

When an employee opens the competency section there are no rating levels visible in the drop-down

Profile tasks are missing

Option_1 Add the below Privileges in Function Security 1.       Manage Talent Profile Content Item 2.       Manage Talent Profile Content Type 3.       Manage Talent Profile Rating Model 4.       Manage Talent Profile Type 5.       Manage Talent Profile Upgrade Mapping

Not able to delete the withdrawn absence record

My Client Groups - Absence - Configure Absence Batch Parameter - Additional Attributes - Withdrawn Record Deletion - Enable for administrator

How to identified how many user has assigned the data role with required document record security profile

1. Firstly, we need to run the below query to get the assigned security profile to the data roles. 2. Secondly, we need to create the OTBI report to get the users who have been assigned the data roles.

List of Approver types

IF Statements IF statement determines: When an approval rule takes effect. For example, you could specify that an approval rule for a promotion takes effect when the worker's department is Sales or the worker's job is Area Manager.

Does profile import from LinkedIn required the paid plugin or it already included in ORC subscription?

ORC and LinkedIn are automatically integrated, and for that, the customer needs a paid LinkedIn subscription.

Create Step to Step Performance Document

Create Review Period Create Performance Document Types Create an Eligibility Profile and assign it to the goal plan Create Goal Plan Select Performance Document Type in Goal Plan

Clicking on the talent profile and it take to the different page

When I am clicking on the talent profile then it takes me to a different page instead of the skills and qualification page We need to add these privileges to the custom job role and regenerate the data role from the workforce structure ORA_HRT_VIEW_PERSON_SKILLS_AND_QUALIFICATION ORA_HRT_EDIT_PERSON_SKILLS_AND_QUALIFICATION

How to load the date of birth of an employee using HDL

File Name: Worker.dat METADATA|Worker|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|PersonNumber|ActionCode|StartDate|DateOfBirth|CountryOfBirth|WaiveDataProtectFlag|CategoryCode MERGE|Worker|Vision|Test_123456789|01-08-2022||0140870390|NEW HIRE_EMP|01-08-2022|06-05-1992|LK|N|PER_EIT

Workforce Management - Areas of Responsibility subject area does not provide any output

We need to check whether or not the user has both duty roles added to the data role. Areas of Responsibility Transaction Analysis Areas of Responsibility Transaction Analysis Duty Additionally, ensure you have added the following DSP to your custom role

Can I end an assignment one day before the second assignment starts?

No, you can end the assignment on the same day the second assignment starts.

Is it possible to create a location hierarchy?

Currently, there is no option to create a Location Hierarchy in Fusion. We can create only Geography Hierarchy.

List of HCM Terminologies

AICC - Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee AOR - Area of Responsibility BI - Business Intelligence BIP - Business Intelligence Publisher BPM - Business Process Management

How to enable save and save and close buttons for specific functions

Steps to enable Go to Sandbox Active HCM Experience Design Studio Go to Action Select the required action. Click on Add

Automatic Role Provisioning

A role is provisioned to a user automatically when at least one of the user's assignments satisfies the conditions specified in the relevant role-mapping definition. The provisioning occurs when the assignment is either created or updated. For example, when a person is promoted to a management position, the line manager role is provisioned automatically to the person if an appropriate role mapping exists.

Role Deprovisioning

Automatically provisioned roles are deprovisioned automatically as soon as a user no longer satisfies the role-mapping conditions. For example, a line manager role that is provisioned to a user automatically is deprovisioned automatically when the user is no longer a line manager anymore.

How to enable the Reapply option when applying for a job

Go to the Enterprise Recruiting and Candidate Experience Information Click on edit for Recruiting Management section Click on the checkbox Allow Withdrawn Candidate to Reapply