Is it possible to restrict a few document types based on countries

Yes, it is possible to restrict or hide certain document types in Oracle Fusion HCM based on various criteria, including country-specific requirements.

Double opt-in, how system would identified the location of the candidates?

When you open the browser you will get a popup saying that you want to track the location, if the candidate allows the popup then it is going to automatically deduct the location of a candidate.

Getting Approve and Reject button on FYI for Termination

1. administrator login to BPM worklist for task configuration 2. click on 'Task configuration' 3. Search for 'Termination' 4. click on 'TerminationsApproval' 5. click on the pencil icon. 5. Click On 'Configuration' 6. Set 'Task Aggregation' as none

Why “Include Related Contact” is missing in-person security profile

This option was removed from the Person Security Profile back in Rel 12 for performance reasons. I can't find the exact release readiness documentation link, but this change was documented.  Please note the additional duty role that can be added.

Not getting any data for the department field

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Options. Search for the profile option PER_LOV_SEARCH_DEPARTMENTS_STARTSWITH Change the Site Level value from N to Y. Save and Close.

Load worker and SQL

select 'METADATA|WorkTerms|AssignmentId|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|EffectiveSequence|EffectiveLatestChange|AssignmentType|AssignmentStatusTypeId|BusinessUnitId|PeriodOfServiceId|PersonId|PrimaryWorkTermsFlag|ActionCode|ReasonCode|WorkTermsAssignmentId|JobCode|DepartmentName|DefaultExpenseAccount' from dual UNION ALL

SQL Query to get the profile id or profile code for an employee

select                  "PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F"."PERSON_NUMBER" as "PERSON_NUMBER",                "HRT_PROFILES_B"."PROFILE_CODE" as "PROFILE_CODE"

Load Metadata File for Job Creation using HDL

Dat File Name: Job.dat METADATA|Job|JobCode|ActiveStatus|FullPartTime|EffectiveStartDate|Name|SetCode|JobFamilyName|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId MERGE|Job|ABC-JB-010-2D|A||1951/01/01|Systems Administrator|ABCSUS|Security Systems Service, Maintenance & Repair|ABC_SS_US|ABC-JB-010-2D

Load Matadata File for License & certification creation using HDL

Dat File Name: ContentItem.dat METADATA|ContentItem|ContentItemValueSetName|ContentItemCode|ItemDescription|DateFrom|ContextName|ContentSupplierCode|ContentTypeId|Name MERGE|ContentItem||LC063||1951/01/01|ABC_Licenses_Certifications|U|103|Supervision of Aerosols

SQL Query to get all the security profiles based on roles

SELECT r_code.*,"Role Code" || ' - '||"Role Name"|| ' - '||"Job Role Name" || ' - '||"Organization Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Position Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Country Security Profile"|| ' - '||"LDG Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Person Security Profile"|| ' - '||"Public Person Security Profile"||' - '||"Document Type Security Profile"||

Get the list of area of responsibility assigned to the user

select        papf.person_number,        ppnf.display_name,        paaf.assignment_number,

Anytime Feedback Section Overview

Feedback Given to Me: In this section, Employees can see feedback given by others in the organization to him/her. An employee can also add feedback for themselves and select feedback visibility for the Feedback. He/she can also edit the feedback that they give to themselves. He/she can hide, show, and send the thank you message to them from whom they have received the feedback.

Instance Qualifiers Overview

Instance Qualifiers are nothing but a group of codes that we used to uniquely identify different occurrences of the same profile item maybe a competency, maybe a performance rating, because in talent management the competencies, the ratings, will be used by different people on different occasions, it's not that only rating will from the performance

What are tasks that Manager can perform in Goal?

Assign a performance goal to your reports within the goal plan with a review period. · Add target outcomes, if enabled, to goals and automatically update the person profiles of your reportees. · Add and update tasks to provide specific actions that determine how your reportees can achieve their goals. · Align the goals of your reportees to other goals.

What are the places where we can use competencies

In Performance Document – As a Competencies Section In Career Development – As a Target Outcomes In Employee – In Skills and Qualifications – As a Competencies

What we need to do if we are not getting any data in Talent Profile

There are some schedule processes that we need to run in order to get the data in the Talen profile Job 1: Update Person Search Keywords Batch ID-1, After Batch Load-YES Job 2: Optimize Person Search Keywords Index

What is the thing we need to consider to create a performance document

Standard, for typical performance documents, such as annual or project or company-wide evaluations. · Anytime, for performance documents that managers and workers can create at any time to evaluate the worker’s performance.