At what stage in the Candidate Selection Process can the Automatic Duplicate Check be configured?

Answer: "Any Phase." Oracle Recruiting Cloud's Automatic Duplicate Check can run in any phase of the Candidate Selection Process. You can enable the duplicate check feature at any phase that suits your organization's needs. You can customize the automatic duplicate check to prevent duplicate applicant records during screening, interviews, assessments, background checks, and other phases.

What are the subject area where you will get the field called "Workspace"

Recruiting reporting. The various subject areas containing the job requisition now include a new field called "Workspace". The Workplace field is available in these subject areas where job requisitions are available - Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time, Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time, Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time, and Recruiting - Candidate Tracking Real Time.

Configure Public holidays for day employees and night employees

We have checked and found that when a night employee is applying for a holiday on 14 April and which start at 19:30 and end on 15 April at 2:50, where 15 April fall under a public holiday, and the system not calculating public holiday that's why it is showing 4.17 hours instead of 7 hours. But if we will select any date where the next day is not a public holiday then the system will calculate the complete 7 hours.

Access only absence-related tasks or actions or functions

We have identified some privileges that will help you to get all the absence-related tasks. Absence Administration Work Area Absence Entry Using Calendar Adjust Accrual Plan Balance

How to add the reason while doing a balance adjustment

Manage Common Lookup ANC_ABS_PLAN_OTHER_REASONS – Add the reason Absence Plan – search the plan Go to Balance & Entries tab and add the created reason

Absence Management Overview

Absence Management enables your enterprise to configure below absence plans:         Accrual     Agreement     Compensatory     Donation

Absence Common Components: Repeating Time Periods

Define the time period that continually generates periods based on specific time frames.     Example: Weekly period starts on Monday

Absence Management Popular Component Setup

Eligibility Profiles and Derived Factors You can create eligibility profiles to determine the set of eligible workers who can use specific absence plan types. You can add eligibility criteria to an eligibility profile, and then associate the profile with an object that restricts eligibility.

Load Metadata File for update employee Job and Position using HDL

Dat File Name - Worker.dat METADATA|WorkTerms|AssignmentId|PeriodOfServiceId|EffectiveLatestChange|EffectiveSequence|EffectiveStartDate|ActionCode

HDL for Succession Plans

Dat File Name - SuccessionPlan.dat METADATA|SuccessionPlan|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|PlanName|PlanType|Status|AccessTypeCode|IncumbentPersonId(SourceSystemId)

HDL or Metadata File for Worker

Dat File Name: Worker.dat METADATA|Worker|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId|PersonNumber|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|StartDate|DateOfBirth|ActionCode

HDL or Metadata File for upload performance rating


HDL or Metadata File for upload talent rating

Dat File Name: TalentProfile.dat METADATA|ProfileItem|ProfileCode|ContentTypeId|SectionId|DateFrom|RatingModelId1|RatingModelId2|RatingLevelId1|RatingLevelId2|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId

List of Supported Business Object for HDL or .dat file names

Business Object - File Name Absence Case - AbsenceCase.dat Action - Actions.dat Action Reason - ActionReasons.dat Action Reason Translation - ActionReasonsTranslation.dat Action Translation - ActionsTranslation.dat

Loading Department and Department Tree using HDL or metadata file

METADATA|DepartmentTreeNode|TreeStructureCode|TreeCode|TreeVersionName|DepartmentName|ParentDepartmentName MERGE|DepartmentTreeNode|PER_DEPT_TREE_STRUCTURE|XYZ Department Tree|XYZ Tree of Departments|XYZ-IND-GG-NorthRegion|XYZ-IND-GG-NorthRegion-A&B-North

HDL or Metadata file for loading content items

Dat File Name: ContentItem.dat METADATA|ContentItem|ContentItemValueSetName|ContentItemCode|ItemDescription|DateFrom|ContextName|ContentSupplierCode|ContentTypeId|Name

SQL Query to get the list of direct reports from a line manager

select papf_Reportee.person_number, to_char(pasf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,'yyyy/dd/mm') start_dt_spr from per_all_people_f papf, per_All_assignments_m paam, PER_ASSIGNMENT_SUPERVISORS_F pasf

SQL Query to get the list of active schedule processes

SELECT  p.* , (CASE               WHEN p.state = 1 THEN 'Wait'               WHEN p.state = 2 THEN 'Ready'               WHEN p.state = 3 THEN 'Running'               WHEN p.state = 4 THEN 'Completed'               WHEN p.state = 9 THEN 'Cancelled'

List of SQL Table with their field names

Date of Birth: PER_PERSONS_ National identifier: PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIERS_

SQL Query to get the assignment id, period of service id, work terms assignment id