If a reviewer save the content in talent review meeting not to submit the content then what we will happen?

If a reviewer only saves the review content not to submit then below are the situation that can happen. Saving: When a reviewer saves the review content, it means that they are temporarily storing the information, they have entered without finalizing their feedback.

How to create the Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) in Document Record (DOR)

Navigate to "Setup and Maintenance." In the "Setup and Maintenance" page, search "Document Types" task and search the required document type where you want to create the dff and then get the System Document Type id. That will help you to map your DFF with the document type.

Query to get the List of Job name and job codes


Overview of system person types

Pending Worker - A person who will be hired or start a as contingent worker, for whom you have created a person record that will future start date.

Enterprise Structure Terminologies and Definition

Enterprise - Enterprise is the highest level of Organization, and it is required because it acts as an umbrella for the entire implementation. Everything originates from this.

Autocomplete Rules Overview

What is Autocomplete Rule? Autocomplete Rules, which is also a part of the HCM Experience Design Studio takes the user experience to the next level by allowing customers to define very specific criteria for defaulting and validation across its suite of products.  Example: Autocomplete = Auto populate (Default) + Auto correct (Validate)

How to delete a learning assignment

METADATA|LearningRecord|LearningRecordId|LearningRecordEffectiveStartDate| LearningRecordEffectiveEndDate|LearningRecordNumber|AssignmentNumber| LearningItemType|LearningItemNumber|AssignmentType|AssignmentSubType|

How to delete job family

METADATA|JobFamily|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|JobFamilyName DELETE|JobFamily|2012/10/01|4712/12/31|Sales01

How can I get the attachment details of the files uploaded for a Document Record?

SELECT papf.person_number      ,ppnf.full_name      ,fdv.file_name      ,fdv.dm_document_id      ,hdpr.date_from      ,hdpr.date_to  FROM per_periods_of_service ppos

Overview of Learning Community

A learning community is a place where learning can be grouped around a certain topic or area of interest and shared with or given to a specific group of people, who are called community members. The goal of a community can range from a

Get the List of username, person no, role name, role code, department

select distinct papf.person_number,pu.username,prdt.role_name Role_Name,prd.role_common_name ,dept.name Department from  per_All_people_F papf, PER_USER_ROLES pur, per_users pu,

Get the count of person records those who don't have work email id

select  COUNT(1)  FROM PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F papf where papf.person_id in ( SELECT ppos.person_id FROM per_periods_of_service ppos  )

Query to get the List of Legal Employer and Legal employer Organization id

SELECT hauft.organization_id,               hauft.NAME,               houcf.classification_code          FROM HR_ORG_UNIT_CLASSIFICATIONS_F houcf,

Query to get the List of Business Units and Business Unit id

SELECT hauft.organization_id business_unit_id,               hauft.NAME,               houcf.classification_code          FROM HR_ORG_UNIT_CLASSIFICATIONS_F houcf,                HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F haouf,                HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F_TL hauft

Query to get the list of departments with department (organization id)

SELECT hauft.organization_id,               hauft.NAME          FROM HR_ORG_UNIT_CLASSIFICATIONS_F houcf,                HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F haouf,                HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_F_TL hauft          WHERE haouf.ORGANIZATION_ID = houcf.ORGANIZATION_ID            AND haouf.ORGANIZATION_ID = hauft.ORGANIZATION_ID

Can we search the employee by using the worker number in the system

No, we cannot search, we can search the employee by using person number.

What is Vertex?

The vertex is the 3rd party company that provides the geographic data for us and Canada, for other countries it is GBQ Loqate.

Access Succession Plan and Talent related functions privileges

Function Security Policies · Create Succession Plan for Worker · Manage Succession Plan · Manage Succession Plan Candidate

Sample HDL file for Organization (Classification - Department)

Dat file name - Organization.dat METADATA|Organization|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|Name|ClassificationCode|LocationCode| LocationSetCode|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId

Load Metadata File for Position Creation using HDL

Dat file name - Position.dat METADATA|Position|EffectiveStartDate|EffectiveEndDate|BusinessUnitName|PositionCode|Name| DepartmentName|JobSetCode|JobCode|LocationCode|EntryGradeCode|ActiveStatus|FTE|HiringStatus| HeadCount|OverlapAllowedFlag|WorkingHours|Frequency|FullPartTime|PositionType|FLEX:PER_POSITIONS_DFF| dbsCheckRequired(PER_POSITIONS_DFF=Global Data Elements)|dbsFrequency(PER_POSITIONS_DFF=Global Data Elements)|SourceSystemOwner|SourceSystemId